Monday, July 19, 2010


In the good old days there were some words that you had to be careful around. George Carlin numbered them at seven. These days there appears to be a code among the young, effectively letting them say whatever they want. I shall use this post to educate the old and square away those young.

Last Saturday I got a text from one of my son's buds. He said: "I read your blog LMAO." I've never been known as much of a tough guy but I did grow up in Butte, Montana. I went straight over and beat his ass. He looked up at me and said, "WTF?" After going home and doing some BR, I went back and beat his ass again. Same response.

For you oldies, if you see the letter F it usually means exactly what you think it means. For you youngies, MILF is not a compliment. GMILF is actually a little sick. You can't think like that unless you're old yourself. Old and single. No married guy has ever had those thoughts. If you don't believe me ask one. Ask him in front of his wife, I'm sure he'll back me up.

I always figured I would be BFFs with a lot of young people but if you think I'm going to put up with that kind of talk you can KMRIA. I am not JK about this. Just be careful when you say something in front of an old dude. YW.

For you old people, check out what some of those acronyms mean before you go pound one of your son's buds. Turns out the L in LMAO does not stand for lick. I must admit I was a little embarrassed. WTG me. This kid was actually giving me a compliment and he got smacked. ATAB? I'm sure he thinks that I could just GTH but I guess he was just SOL that day.

When I think about how stupid I was beating that poor kid I just FOFL. I wonder if he thinks my brain is a little MIA.

Anyhow, TA for letting me spout. XOXOX

P.S. Old people: Do research. There is a big difference between TA and T&A.

Driving tip: If your steering shimmies at a given speed: say it starts at 30 miles an hour and smoothes out at 35, you have a wheel out of balance. The speed is arbitrary, it may be between 55 and 70 or 20 and 28. Just take it to a tire shop and let them know. If it shimmies all the time you have something more serious going on. Hope you have a mechanic you can trust but get that checked right away. Be careful out there.

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