Friday, June 25, 2010


I decided to start this project at the behest of my wife and a whole lot of other people. You see, I'm a bit of a story teller. Its true that I have logged over three million miles in a big truck, (I'm not one of those, more later) hence the driving tips portion. But a testimony to my story telling skills came one time when Carol and I were at a niece's wedding. These people weren't blood relatives but you know how that is....sometimes blood gets messy.
We traveled 800 miles for the event and arrived just after dark. When we pulled up in their drive there was a dozen or so big people standing around in the yard or on the porch and scads (scads is an old people word it means beaucoup) of little people, as is their nature, were all over the place.
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and if you want to believe that then fine but I think the reality is that absence makes the memory grow dimmer. I see my wife every day and she has no trouble instantly recalling each and every negative thing I've ever done. Judging by the hugs and smiles we were getting, it was obvious these people had no recollection of the, no doubt, multiple heinous acts I've commited against them. Anyhow, Wilbert and his wife were standing on the porch..... [out of room, more tomorrow]

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